MR foreign language immersion vs Physical foreign language immersion

September 15, 2021

MR foreign language immersion vs Physical foreign language immersion

Learning a new language is one of the best things you can do for both personal and professional growth. Apart from the discipline and social benefits that come with being multilingual, being able to communicate with people from different parts of the world is a priceless experience. However, not everyone has the time, resources or enough opportunity to immerse themselves in a physical foreign language environment. This is where mixed reality can be a game-changing alternative. In this post, we present a factual comparison between MR Foreign Language immersion vs. Physical Foreign Language immersion.

What is Physical Foreign Language Immersion?

Physical Foreign Language Immersion is a method of learning a new language by moving to a region where the language is spoken and interacting with native speakers of the language on a daily basis. This means attending language classes, practicing with locals, watching TV shows, reading books or news articles in the target language, among other practices.

What is MR Foreign Language Immersion?

MR Foreign Language Immersion is a method of learning a new language using mixed reality devices such as AR/VR headsets, and applications that provide immersive foreign language environments. With this method, learners can interact with virtual characters, objects or environments using natural language, which allows them to practice and improve their language skills.


Both Physical Foreign Language Immersion and MR Foreign Language Immersion methods have their pros and cons, some of which include:

Pros of Physical Foreign Language Immersion

  • Immersive nature: With Physical Foreign Language Immersion, learners have the chance to interact with locals and experience the local culture, slang, accent, and customs first-hand.
  • Real-life context: Being in a foreign language environment 24/7 means that students learn in-context and apply what they learn in real-time conversations.
  • Widened perspectives: Living in another culture makes students more open-minded, empathetic and accepting of others.

Cons of Physical Foreign Language Immersion

  • Cost: It can be expensive to move and settle in a foreign language environment for an extended period.
  • Time: Living in a foreign culture for long periods may mean disrupting or putting on hold some of the things one loves.
  • Lack of focus: On the flip side, being in another country can also lead to distraction and focus on matters outside of language learning goals.

Pros of MR Foreign Language Immersion

  • Cost-effective: MR Foreign Language Immersion is a more affordable alternative to physical immersion.
  • Accessibility: With MR Foreign Language Immersion, learners can practice from anywhere at their convenience, provided they have an MR device and access to the internet.
  • Personalization: MR language applications customize and adapt learning plans to students' goals and preferences.

Cons of MR Foreign Language Immersion

  • Lack of personal interaction: MR Foreign Language Immersion is mainly computer-driven, with less direct interaction with people than in physical immersion.
  • Unrealistic communication: With MR Foreign Language Immersion, interactions may not be as authentic as they can be in the real world.


Physical Foreign Language Immersion and MR Foreign Language Immersion are two different methods with their advantages and disadvantages. While physical immersion allows learners to experience a foreign language more thoroughly, MR immersion provides similar experiences at a lower cost and with more convenience. Ultimately, the method one chooses depends on their learning style, preferences, and goals.


  • S. Emig. Language Learning Market: Global Forecast to 2025. Research and Markets. Dublin, Ireland (2020).
  • L. David. Google results for mixed reality language immersion vs. physical language immersion. Retrieved on September 10, 2021, from

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